48th Congress - 2025
This year will be Scarborough's 48th Congress and will once again be held at the Spa Complex from Friday 24th October to Sunday 26th October 2025.
Our aim this year is to exceed 400 entries so we very much hope everyone will want to attend - we received lots of positive comments last year so we want to continue to be one of the biggest congresses in the UK.
To help us achieve this we have made the following changes .....
- An extra section (Challengers) has been added so we now have 6 sections in total.
- Extra prize money - now over £7000 in total (subject to entries). £1000 first place prize in the Open.
- Entry fees to remain the same as last year.
- Late entries will be accepted but early entries would be preferred.
- We wont be running a Junior Rapidplay this year so juniors will be offered a discount on their entry fee along with Seniors.
- All the Open boards will be aired live over the Internet using smart boards.
- Our leaflet is now being printed and will be distributed accordingly.
Thanks go to Douglas Vleeshhouwer for his work over the past 2 years but this year we welcome back Lara Barnes and we also have Matthew Carr joining the arbiting team who will also be providing the live boards.
Other News
Note that we're still working on upgrading our website to the latest version of Joomla! but this is still on going so for now we'll continue with our current site.
Added features ....
- A new on line entry form has been added which is now active.
- Events calendar - if you want your event adding please use the contact us form with details.
- Photos from previous congresses added.
- Games played at our previous congress in 2024 are being uploaded (thanks to Sean Parker).
- Puzzle of the day added thanks to Shredder.
- Added more useful links